Posts Tagged ‘DIY Musician’

k8 on songwritingI read this great post from CD Baby’s DIY Musician and was inspired to share my answers with all of you.  Check out the DIY Musician post first, then check out my answers:

Tell Us About Your Songwriting! | DIY Musician

1. What does your songwriting process look like? What are a few of the more common ways in which you compose a song?

I used to think that my songwriting was built on inspiration alone, but I have come to find that the more I write- especially when I push thru the more challenging songwriting sessions- the more prepared I am to accept the magical “inspiration” when it arrives.

I sit down on my floor with my guitar and a notebook in silence to start- sometimes it helps to sit in the dark.. I learned that from a songwriting friend of mine a few yrs back and it has come in handy on multiple occasions!! At this point, I  already tend to have a lyric that I noted prior to my writing session (I use the Notes feature on my iPhone to capture these when I’m not in the ideal songwriting situation)… Then I start playing diff chord progressions – I do love my capo- and sing diff melodies over it, even if the lyrics aren’t all ironed out yet.  Sometimes chord progressions come first, but most of the time I work out some lyrics initially.

2. Think of your favorite songs. What do they do to or for you? What is it about the song (technically, emotionally, thematically) that moves you?

Lots of favorite songs to consider here.  Ghost (Indigo Girls), By Her (Beth Hart), My Name is Jonas (Weezer), The Distance (Evan and Jaron), Can’t You See (Marshall Tucker Band), Flying (Clove).. Oh boy, I guess I shouldn’t have started a list.  I’ll stop there for now.  The common bond between all of my favorites is that they all transport me to a certain place or time/experience, with a certain person, friend, love, etc.  I connect with all of the songs in my own way- not necessarily in the way originally intended by the songwriter.  Technically, it’s a plain and simple hook or clever lyric that will suck me right in.

3. What are your common frustrations with songwriting? What are the ways in which you get stuck?

I have a tendency to get stuck writing in the same key… A LOT.  (Oh, the number of musician friends who may read this and chuckle at my songwriting in E.. )  Sometimes I get so annoyed with it that I’ll just throw the song away bc “the last 2 songs I worked on were in the same key.”  (NOTE: This is NOT recommended.  I’ve probably lost some good ones along the way bc of this bad habit!)

4. How do you overcome the frustration? How do you get un-stuck?

The answer for me  is to move on to something else and come back to the original later.  And this does not necessarily mean you have to put your guitar away and do something NOT musical… You sometimes just need a break. I might go work on my version of a Lady Gaga song for a while just for fun and to put my songwriting annoyance out of my head!  By doing that, I sometimes even wind up with a solid cover (k8 style) AND an original song- all in 1 shot!

5. Do you envision an audience or outside listener when you write? If so, how would you describe that audience? What effect does this have on the writing process?

Never.  So I guess I can’t answer the rest of these questions..

6. Do you collaborate or enlist outside opinions during the writing process? What effect does that have on the writing process?

Call me superstitious, but I have identified a bit of a trend with sharing my songs prior to completion.  If I share with anyone other than a co-writer before a song is finished, it never gets finished.  I’m sure this is all in my head, just like they say “Writer’s Block” is all in your head.. but it is what it is.  (Good thing I no longer believe in “Writer’s Block.”

7. Songwriters are known for loving most of their “babies” equally. This is why artistic coaches have the mantra “Kill Your Babies!” How can you tell when one of your own song is really good? How can you tell when one is bad or misbehaving?

This is one I’m still learning… I think I’ve mostly just been able to tell along the way.  I’ve never loved all of my songs equally, either tho.  I play my originals live A TON before I record them.  That’s usually bc I’m still saving up $$$$ for studio time, but it also seems to help me with structuring the song and getting a good ear for it.  Audience reaction (or lack thereof) helps me with these too.

8. What do you get out of being a songwriter? Do you imagine you’ll write songs forever?

Songwriting gives me an outlet to express myself.  I feel like a rockstar when I finish a song and I can’t imagine ever giving that feeling up!

9. What roles do “inspiration” and “perspiration” play in your writing process?

I mentioned this one earlier.  The more you write (especially when u work thru the challenging songwriting sessions), the more prepared you are for the inspiration when it hits.

10. Imagine the greatest song you’ve haven’t written yet. Describe it.

It’s good.  Really good. 🙂

So there you have it.. k8 on Songwriting!   Songwriter friends, I challenge you to post your answers to these below or on your own blogs!  Feel free to share the links in the comments below, too!

Ready, set, GO!
