Posts Tagged ‘Music on the Menu’

I get asked a lot about my influences and how I got started playing out n stuff.. The band, Clove, was a big part of that. Sure, I would’ve been a musician whether I had met Clove or not- I just don’t think I would’ve learned the things I learned as quickly or as comfortably. Without the Clove experience, I might have accepted sitting on a barstool in the corner of your favorite local watering hole. Fortunately, I DID have the Clove experience and the things I learned were things that would later help set me apart from every other girl with a guitar on the barstool in the corner of the room.

So, I’m paying a little tribute to my favorite band of all time by sharing some of the most valuable lessons I’ve learned from Clove right here (in no certain order):

  1. Ready to make an album? Record at Saturation Acres with Bret Alexander.
  2. Listen to Weezer.
  3. Some contrails are actually chemical or biological agents deliberately sprayed at high altitudes for a purpose undisclosed to the general public. (that’s for you, Dave)
  4. Guard your guitar with your life. Your fans WILL “accidentally” snap the neck right off.
  5. Never record vocals with shoes on.
  6. Don’t pull that chord from your guitar unless you’re muted!
  7. Always make sure your trailer full of music gear is latched before hitting the road.
  8. When you do a cover, do it YOUR OWN way.
  9. Rent a vehicle to drive to Key West or expect to break down n ride in the back of a Ryder truck!
  10. Always play your own original music.

If you’ve never heard or seen Clove, now is your big chance!! Clove is back and playing this Wednesday at the Woodlands as part of the Weekender/Mountaingrown Original Music Series! There’s no cover, music starts at 10, and I’ll be there! Don’t miss it!

MUSIC ON THE MENU: Clove blossoms once again | The Weekender, Northeast PA.

love n music,
